The Best Caribbean beaches

beaches, beach vacation

A perfect getaway from the mounting pressures of the busy life, the best Caribbean beaches are sure to mesmerize you by their captivating beauty and pure grandeur. Whether you are looking forward to a quietening experience or people watching, some cool water sports or soaking up the sun, nothing can compare the Caribbean beaches that feature among the best beaches in the world. Caribbean Beaches can compete with almost any beach in beauty and popularity. You can easily take a beach vacation in the Caribbean. You can book beach villas, resorts, hotels on or near the beach with the help of your best traveling credit card. Your flight ticket can also be booked using your travel credit card. People who love beaches can enjoy an almost idyllic setting is what characterizes the hypnotizing beauty, accentuated by the union of the sand and the sea with the palm trees as the more than perfect background. Let us take a look at some of the most popular beaches in the region that you must visit:

  • Mopion – A picture-perfect beauty, this beach is every photographer’s delight and a nature lover’s paradise. The transparent sea girdles the sand and the sterling sandbar is beauty redefined.
  • Petit Tabac – Apart from its beauty that puts it high on the list of the top Caribbean Beaches, it also has a close association with Johnny Depp as well. It was in this place that he was marooned in the film that needs no mention. This crescent-shaped island is nearly inaccessible. A narrow entrance at the southern tip is the only saving grace.
  • Sandy Spit – Dotted with myriad palm trees, a clump of rocks and two solitary coconut palms, the island’s white sand beach is perfect for sunbathing, snorkeling and organizing picnics.
  • Sandy Island – A long expanse of sand bosoming a great snorkeling reef is what characterizes this beach. Currents and storms are frequent here and mostly leave behind a new beach or lagoon.
  • Trunk Bay – The vast number of people crowding the beach has not marred its gorgeous beauty. It is ideal for swimming, snorkeling, and diving.
  • Islas Los Roques – Palm bordered expanse of white sand and sparkling waters make it a sought after beach destination.
  • Aruba, Dos Playa – This sequestered streak of sand sporting rolling dunes and bordered with palms has a limestone coast. The wild waves are a surfer’s dream.
  • Little Bay Beach, Anguilla – If a serene ambiance is what you are craving for, this is the right place for you. A boat is the only way of accessing the place. This bay is shaped very much like a half-moon, bastioned by high cliffs on three sides. On approaching the place, you are greeted by a vast expanse of fine sand. This beach is excellent for snorkeling and sunbathing.
  • Pink Beach, Harbour Island, Bahamas – One of the best Caribbean Beaches, the Pink Sand Beach is often touted as the most snapped beaches of the world. The sand derives the pinkish tinge from the colorful red shells of the tiny sea creatures whose shells are broken up into minute particles by the surf which eventually mingles with white sand with a resultant pink hue. A water taxi takes you from Eleuthera to the cliff forming the background to the beach for all accommodations are located there.
  • Honeymoon Beach, St. John – Included within the 5000 acre Virgin National Park, this beach is one of the seven beaches that comprise of the Caneel Bay. Devoid of huts or tents, a vast empty stretch of sand is what welcomes you as you set your foot on the beach. Lie down on the beach, under the soul-warming sun and feel all your worries dying down.

Also Read: How to plan a perfect Beach Party for Kids and Adults

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Beaches like Varadero in Cuba, Anse la Roche in Grenada, Placencia in Belize, and Manzanilla in Trinidad can also be stuck up high on the pole as some of the best Caribbean Beaches. Excited to visit the beaches? Do not forget to book your accommodation and flight tickets with your favorite travel credit cards. Also, do remember to carry your shopping credit card, to shop for souvenirs and gifts for your loved ones.


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