How to make your office flooring stand out

office flooring

Gone are those days when people used to focus only on walls, now office flooring too plays an important part in modern office interior design. Since times immemorial flooring as been commonly called as the 5th wall’ of premises. Therefore increasing number of office interior decorators are paying more attention towards office flooring and office interior design. It has been noticed that flooring can enhance the look of an office and can make the office environment more pleasant. Pleasant office flooring positive part in office decoration. Different types of flooring options are now available to a consumer. But different offices need different interior decorations. Even in the same office, some people choose different flooring for different areas. While choosing office flooring one must keep numerous points in one mind. Some of these points are listed below:

  • Stylish flooring for high impact: Different areas need a different type of flooring. Warehouses, board rooms, reception areas and cubical areas all need different types of flooring. High impact places such as reception and waiting areas, board room flooring can be done with floor tiles and polished timber planks. Such flooring offers an elegant look.
  • Cost-Effective: Some flooring like tiles are cost-friendly especially if you shop for them over online portals. You can also use credit cards while shopping for office flooring. The best shopping credit card can help you get handsome discounts if you shop during the festive offer. However, even if you choose to shop for office flooring during the non-discount time, you can earn great credit card points and cashback.
  • Eco –friendly flooring: Eco-friendly flooring is the latest fad in Interior decoration. Eco-friendly flooring means flooring made from sustainable materials and can be successfully recycled. Eco- friendly flooring, as the name suggests, is environmentally friendly and is a sustainable solution to flooring problems.
  • Easy in cleaning and maintaining: One must choose the office flooring that is in sync to the office environment. Ideal Flooring should be that it is resistant to stains and scratches and is durable. One also must consider that the maintenance of flooring should not cause any kind of disruption or disturbance in day-to-day office productivity.

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Now that you know what to look at while choosing an office flooring, let us present to you the variety of Office flooring that is now available:

  • Hardwood flooring: Hardwood flooring offers an elegant and appealing look. This type of flooring is durable and also helps in sound absorption. This type of flooring also makes less noise than tile or stone flooring. But this type of flooring is a little expensive and is prone to damage due to wet climate and denting.
  • Carpet: Carpeting is the easiest way to match your office interior. This type of flooring is one of the oldest and most popular ways of flooring. Pattern, design, and texture can be chosen and customized according to one’s needs and requirements. Carpeting can be made from sustainable materials, however, some carpets may get worn out easily. You can also choose to buy woolen carpets if you have a slightly colder setting. Carpets can be easily matched with your interior décor.
  • Laminate Flooring: Laminate Flooring is one of the most durable types of flooring. Other advantages of this type of flooring are that it is cheaper than hardwood flooring and is easy to mount and setup and is fading resistant.
  • Vinyl: Vinyl is an excellent waterproof flooring solution that comes in a range of attractive colors and styles.
  • Tiles: Long-lasting, hardwearing and easy to clean and they can be chosen according to office interior design to offer an elegant and sophisticated impression. Tiles come in a shiny or matte finish, each has merits and drawbacks of its own.
  • Epoxy Paint: Easy to clean and a cost-effective option for warehouses and other industrial premises.
  • Polished Timber: It is used at front office locations and this type of flooring improves the look and feel of an area.

Whatever type of flooring you choose just remember that it should match your décor and be durable. Also do not forget to use your credit card to accumulate points on every purchase. You can even pay your interior decorator using a credit card so that you can earn handsome credit card points on it.

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