How kids are always better than adults:

kids, children


We, as adults, never seem to enjoy what we have. We always long for something that we don’t possess.  We need to learn a few things from kids who seem to enjoy every moment.  Let us look at some of the things that we need to learn from kids:

Kids never stop learning:

Kids are naturally explored; they want to touch and feel everything. They never shy away even after getting hurt. Remember when you could walk, you stumbled, you fell, but you never stopped trying. Kids are natural learners, but adults become conditioned to situations, they are afraid to fail, and hence they refrain from trying new things. All this can change; you can restart your learning. You can start online classes that could help you learn new skills. Or you could update your financial skills. Learn how to fill your taxes, learn where you can invest your money. helps you to invest you wisely and spend appropriately.


Children have complete trust:

Children are at the mercy of others, and they are forced to trust people around them. However, as they become self-reliant, this trust factor gradually reduces. But they believe that people have the best intentions, and hence they can forgive adults easily. We, as adults, are always speculative. We don’t like to trust others, and most of us find it very difficult to forgive and forget. As a result, we hold grudges and lose many relationships in life. Children, on the other hand, take everything in their stride and never hold grudges against anyone. Picture this a child tries to get attention when he realizes that he is not getting his desired reaction he might throw things around and might even throw a tantrum, but the moment he has his loved one’s attention, the child will immediately calm down, forgetting the previous behavior of the adult. This is normally not seen with adults.


Children easily say no:

The most common word you hear from a toddler’s mouth is “No.” “Will you have food” “Will you take a bath,” “Let’s change”- all of them end with an answer – No. Toddlers can voice their opinions, and they are easily able to say no to things that they don’t like to do. We as adults need to learn to say no when we feel uncomfortable.

Also Read: How to raise Financially Independent Children

Children don’t put labels:

Children don’t make assumptions, and they take everything on face value. Tell a child he is beautiful and intelligent; he will believe it, but when you tell this to an adult, they might think that you are mocking them. Children don’t put labels- oh she is single at 45 how irresponsible; oh she is blonde- she must be stupid. Children learn everything from the strict, and hence, they can foster strong relationships. We as adults often shun those investment avenues which do not give good returns. But children always have good faith and they are ready to take second chances.

They are not afraid of showing their feelings:

Kids cry when they want something or are hurt when they feel offended, they complain. A child screams when he feels elated. Children are not afraid to show how they feel. They forgive easily. They  Love the strongest. Laugh the easiest.

Also Read: How to be a financially smart woman?

They never stop trying:

The most common word that a child hears is the word “No.” It never stops them from asking a new question or maybe the same question again. But we as adults we take failure hard or maybe we don’t even try out new things as we don’t want to fail. Many people want to join an online course, but they are scared that they would not do well. People shun mutual funds if they don’t get desirable profits. If you too are not able to judge investment options wisely then contact to know about investment tools.

Kids enjoy life:

Children want to have fun. They are not worried about bills, what others think, what society expects them to do, etc. They have fun every single moment. We, adults, need to learn how to have fun from kids. Start auto pay on bills, use credit cards to save money on utility bills. Worry less and let the child within you live.

So, What do you think? What other things do we adults need to learn from kids?

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